
[the Guardian] Interpol's new chief (이창훈 교수 인터뷰)

작성일 2018-11-23 13:47

작성자 전성우

조회수 1161


Interpol's new chief: the 'bulldozer' with a taste for tackling cybercrime
Kim Jong-yang likely to refocus organisation and popularise South Korean police tactics known as ‘K-cop wave’

“He has a reputation for tenacity, and a lot of people in Korea have likened him to a bulldozer: whatever he wants to do, he will get it done,” said Lee Chang-Hoon, a professor in the department of police administration at Hannam University in Daejeon. “He’ll likely push for more cooperation between agencies on investigations and focus particularly on transnational cybercrimes.”

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정보관리부서 : 홍보팀

최종 수정일 : 2021-03-11